One afternoon in June of 2017, my friend James and I sat at the bar at The Driskill in Austin. Our conversation wandered, but we realized something that we couldn’t shake. We realized that every single conversation we had with our college students was actually the same conversation. Yes, the details of the conversation changed, sometimes it was about failure, or relationships, or discernment, but each conversation was actually about God’s love.
The heart of each conversation is this: What would you do, and who would you be, if you knew you were loved beyond all measure? How would that change you, and change how you live your life? What does that love mean for you now, when you’re in college?
So we set about to write a book for students, about what your life might be if you could fully understand how much God loves you. We pulled in the wisest and wittiest friends we had to help, all chaplains with years of campus experience. We hope that this book is a gift to all who wander in the wilderness that is college.
Available June 2020